Against checking and ACH fraud.


Positive Pay helps stop unauthorized transactions from clearing your account by using check details and ACH parameters that you define.

When you issue a batch of checks through your accounting program, Positive Pay compares the details of the check to the details you provided when it was issued. If discrepancies are found, the check is flagged and placed in the Positive Pay Exceptions List for you to review and determine whether the check should be paid or rejected.

ACH Positive Pay allows you to set up rules to both preauthorize specific ACH transactions and to monitor for ACH transactions that match specific guidelines. The system will then flag ACH transactions that fall outside these rules.



  • The menu offers direct navigation to any page and can be collapsed to maximize your available screen real estate.
  • Hovering over the collapsed menu will temporarily expand it. Clicking the menu icon again will open it.
  • Click Favorites to bookmark any screen to provide a shortcut. Favorites can be added or removed using the Edit function or by clicking the icon to bookmark the current page.
  • Using the menu, you can move from the current page to any other page with a single click.
  • Use Quick Exception Processing to efficiently review and make pay and return decisions on any exceptions that have been identified.
  • Click Transaction Processing to submit your file of issued checks or add them individually.

You can also void a single check or a series of checks, search for a check or extract a file of checks for partial account reconcilement (also known as Reverse Positive Pay).

  • Use ACH Transaction Search to find specific ACH transactions.
  • To generate custom Transaction Reports, choose from the menu of available reports and customize the parameters of the data to fit your needs.
  • Use Transaction Filter and Block Setup to flag individual ACH transactions and create an automatic notification or action if the guidelines you select are not met.
  • Use ACH Authorization Rule Setup to define the guidelines that enable Positive Pay for ACH. It works by comparing submitted transactions to a set of rules you have established.
  • Home returns you to the default page. Help is available for many pages. Notifications monitors the system for transactions awaiting review.
  • We recommend that you always log out to end each session.


  • The Quick Exception Processing screen gives you a fast and convenient way to examine and make payment decisions on flagged transactions.
  • The Quick Exception Processing List displays the transactions where discrepancies were found, including the date the transaction was received, the check number on check transactions, an image of the check, the amount of the transaction, the payee and the reason for the exception.

From this Quick Exception Processing Screen. you can make your payment decision on each item.

  • Select Pay to retain the item as posted. If you choose return, you must also select a reason from the drop-down menu.
  • Select Return to remove the transaction and credit the funds back to the account.
  • When you have completed your review of all exceptions, Save to complete the process.


  • Prepare your batch of checks using standard procedures in your account software.
  • Once the batch of checks is complete, export the file in the format you have data mapped with us with a sample export file you will have provided when we set up Positive Pay for your company.

We map the data by identifying the fields in your file (e.g., date, amount, payee name and other data contained in your export file) and associating those fields with import fields inside Positive Pay.

  • Once your check batch file is exported, choose that file for processing in the import dialogues. Provide details about the file including the account on which the checks are drawn and the file processing type.
  • Process the file to import it into the Positive Pay software.


  • Click Add New Issued Check to enter a newly issued check, or a small number of checks, individually.
  • Choose the appropriate account name, check number, amount, date issued and the payee for individual checks.
  • Indicate that this is an Auto-Increment Check Number and add the check to your Positive Pay.


  • Enter the details of the check to be voided, including the check number, amount and date issued.
  • Search for a matching check in a list of those already submitted.
  • Review the matching check to ensure what is the correct transaction.
  • Click Void Check


  • To produce customized reports on checks produced in the Positive Pay system, enter any or all of the following information, depending on what you want your report to show:
    • Show only checks issued, or paid on either a specific date or within a defined period of time.
    • Search for a specific check number or all check numbers within a defined series.
    • Search for a specific payee and filter your report by transaction, by stop pay status, or by exception decision and reason.
  • Click Produce Report to display a list of all checks matching the criteria you’ve chosen.


  • To search for specific ACH transactions, select the account name or names to search and other known information such as the paid date, input date, transaction amount, SEC code of the ACH transaction, Company ID or the description of the transaction.
  • You may also filter the search based on Transaction Status, Pay or Return decision or the reason for the return.
  • Produce the report to see any transactions matching your search parameters.


  • To generate any report, just select the report from the menu and then choose the criteria that will be used to customize the report for your needs.
  • Use the Outstanding Issued Checks report to see checks that have been issued but not yet presented for payment.
  • Use Daily Issued Checks Summary to see checks that were issued on any given day and their totals.
  • Use Paid Checks Report for a summary of paid checks for the day or a period you select.
  • Use ACH Transactions to see all the ACH transactions that were executed on a day or during a date range.
  • Use the Stops and Voids report to see any checks that have been stopped or voided.
  • Use the Exception Items Report to display all the items in a selected time period that were flagged as exceptions.
  • Use the Correction Report to see any items corrected by us. These are items that posted incorrectly (typically due to errors such as a blank check number, zero amount or an amount mismatch).
  • Stale Dated Checks will report any checks that have not been presented after a defined number of days since issue. The Account Reconciliation Summary is used to balance your online account balance with your statement. The Check Reconciliation summary shows only checks relevant to reconciling your account statement. Positive Pay not only protects you against fraud and it also puts you in control of your financial information thanks to our extensive reporting capabilities.


Transaction Filter/Block Setup

Transaction Filter/Block Setup is where you define the transaction-monitoring rules for an account.

These rules are at the heart of ACH Positive Pay. You can monitor transactions based on the ACH Standard Entry Class, Company ID, Transaction Code, Debit or Credit, and Amount Threshold. Any transactions that meet the filter criteria are flagged and processed according to the notification type you select for each rule.

To create a rule:

  • Select the Account Name.
  • Enter the originating Company ID of the transaction from the ACH file. If the field is left blank, this filter will not be used.
  • You may also watch for selected Standard Entry Class. Either select a specific SEC Code or All, which will flag any ACH transaction with an associated SEC code.

If the field is left blank, the filter block will use the From and Thru Tran Codes.

To monitor the From Tran Code:

  • Enter the starting transaction code for this filter.
  • Enter the ending transaction code for this filter. If the ACH SEC code is not available from the DDA system, the From and Thru transaction code fields may be used to identify the type of transaction.
  • Select either Debits or Credits, or Both, to define the types of transactions for this rule.

Enter the Minimum Transaction Amount for this rule. Any transaction that fails to meet the Minimum Filter Amount will activate the notification type defined for the role.

If the minimum filter amount is left blank, the transaction amount filter will not be used.

  • Select the type of notification any flagged transaction should trigger. You can have the system create an exception or send an email notification only. Create Exception will cause any transaction matching the filter criteria to become an exception that requires a pay or return decision.

The email notification indicates only that an email notification will be sent to alert you of any transaction matching the criteria in this filter.

ACH Authorization Rules Setup

ACH Authorization Rules Setup works much like a Transaction rule except that you are defining pre-authorized ACH transaction rules for an account. An ACH Authorization Rule can include the Originating Company, Standard Entry Class, Transaction Type and Maximum Authorized Dollar Amount.

If an ACH item posts to a selected account that violates the rules you established here, the notification type you select determines whether the item requires a Pay Return decision or if you’ll simply be alerted via email that unauthorized activity has occurred.

  • Select the Account Name to which this rule applies and give the rule a description.
  • Enter the originating Company ID or leave it blank to include all companies in this rule.
  • Select a specific SEC Code. Select All to apply the rule to every SEC code.
  • Choose whether to apply the rule to Debits, Credits, or Both.
  • Finally, choose the Maximum Dollar Amount that will be allowed for this type of transaction. If the amount is left blank, the Maximum Dollar Amount field is not used during the authorization process.


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  • Protect against a wide range of payment fraud attacks and other scams
  • Manage your business for maximum efficiency
  • Add value to your banking processes and financial strategies