Secure and easy way to manage paper checks.



As a business customer, you may notice a small change in your login process. If you’re accustomed to seeing an image before you enter your password, that image will no longer appear.

If you log in using a Security Token, that process will remain the same.

  • Enter your Access ID.
  • Press the button on your token to generate a password.
  • Enter the password number into the password field.
  • After the one-time password, enter your four-digit PIN to complete the password and login.
  • Press the button on your token. The four-digit number displayed by the token must match the Site Authentication Value displayed on the screen.
  • If they match, continue. You are now ready to scan your deposit.

Learn about security tokens »


How to scan a batch of checks for deposit

  • In the CREATE DEPOSIT screen, enter the basic information for the batch:
    • The total dollar amount
    • The account where you want the deposit credited
    • And any information or notes that may be useful in identifying the check at a later time
  • Click CONTINUE to move to the scanning screen.
  • Confirm that your checks are loaded correctly in the scanner.
  • Select SCAN. The deposit items will begin feeding through the scanner. When all checks have been scanned, a list of all checks in the batch will be displayed.

How to deposit a scanned check

  • Use the PLUS-MINUS box to view scanned front and back images of an item, or to hide them.
  • Use USER FIELDS to place additional information into the electronic record for each item. This information is saved with the deposit and included in any export of the deposit record for importation into your accounting software.

A check payment can include information such as:

  • The billing category used in your accounting software
  • The type of service
  • The date of service
  • Description
  • Check all information and, if there are no errors, SUBMIT the deposit. The system will confirm that the deposit is balanced.

If you wish, you can add a memo to the deposit record.

  • When you’re ready, SUBMIT. Your deposit will now appear in the Search screen. If it is not in a PENDING status, you can see it by displaying ALL DEPOSITS.
  • Under ACTIONS, you can:
    • Click the left-hand icon to view a Quick View Summary of the deposit
    • Click the right-hand icon to view the deposit in the scanning screen

When you SUBMIT DEPOSIT, the system generates a credit voucher which is added to the items listed for your deposit and a Double Entry item for accounting purposes. The amount of the credit voucher is equal to the total amount of your deposit.


How to find a deposit or a single item in a deposit

  • Begin from the VIEW DEPOSITS screen. Select ALL DEPOSITS. A list of deposits stored in the system will be displayed. Each of the column headers can be clicked to sort the list by ascending or descending order.
  • Under ACTIONS you can:
    • Click the left-hand icon to view a Quick View Summary of the deposit
    • Click the right-hand icon to view the deposit in the scanning screen
  • To narrow the list of deposits listed, use the SEARCH filters to select a date range or amount range. Use ADVANCED SEARCH for additional filters such as User, Deposit ID or status.
  • To find a specific item, select VIEW ITEMS.
  • Use the PLUS-MINUS box to view scanned front and back images of an item, or to hide them.

How to generate reports

From REPORTS, you can generate useful deposit reports:

  • The Deposit Report is a summary of all the deposits displayed on the page. It is searchable and sortable by criteria you select for it.
  • The Deposit Detail Report, in PDF format, shows all items in each of the displayed deposits.

You can also export data files, in CSV or XML format, and import them into your accounting software.

How to view individual items

Opening a single deposit from the list allows you to view the deposit in the scanning screen.

  • Use the EXPORT AS button to:
    • Create a SUMMARY report
    • Create a DEPOSIT DETAIL report, including images, for that individual deposit
    • Export a CSV data file
    • Export a Zip file containing only the images of the check(s)

How to use the User Audit feature

To audit the activities of a user:

  • Click USER AUDIT.
  • Enter a date range and the login name of the user.

A detailed, printable report of that individual’s activities within the system will be displayed.


The powerful scanning software at the heart of our system will reduce scanning errors in your deposits. On those rare occasions when errors occur, they are easy to fix.

The system will indicate any errors and identify the item with an Alert icon.

How to correct unclear entries

  • Open the item to see what errors were found by the software.
  • If the amount is not readable, enter it in the AMOUNT window below the scan and click the ENTER pop-up button.
  • If the microline was not read properly, enter it the same way, in the TRANSIT window.
  • Close the item. Note that the Alert icon will have disappeared and the Error count at the bottom of the screen reflects your correction.
  • When all errors have been corrected, SUBMIT the deposit normally.

How to accept or decline suspected duplicate checks

The system will detect any duplicate item which was included in an earlier deposit. It alerts you to the suspected duplication and displays both the earlier and present check images side by side.

  • Compare the two items to determine if the check has already been deposited.
  • Click ACCEPT to include it in the current deposit or DELETE to remove it.

How to fix scanned-image problems

Image errors occur when the software detects a problem with a scanned image.

  • Open the item and use the FIX ERRORS screen to correct the image error. If the image is clear, characters are readable, all four corners appear in the scanned image and it is not misaligned, you can ACCEPT or DELETE the image or RE-SCAN the check.
  • To re-scan, load the item into your scanner and approve the re-scan.
  • The system may ask you to verify the item after it is scanned again.
  • Click YES to replace the original scanned item in your deposit list.
  • SUBMIT the deposit.

How to correct a Balance Exception

Balance errors occur when the deposit amount you entered at the time the deposit was created does not match the total amount of the items scanned. Virtually all balance exceptions result from an error either in the declared amount of the deposit or the amount read by the software when scanning an item.

If the system alerts you to a Balance Exception:

  • Double-check your declared amount for the deposit by adding all the individual items together.
  • If the totals do not balance, check the accuracy of the captured amount for each item.
  • If you find a discrepancy, enter the correct amount below the image.
  • If you discover an error in your declared total, it can be changed when you submit the deposit. Do not change the declared total unless you are certain it is incorrect
  • When ready, UPDATE to complete submission of the deposit.


Our system gives you a great deal of flexibility in assigning permissions to various users at your company. You can delegate certain responsibilities to one employee and expand the access and responsibility of another employee or supervisor.
For example, you may want to place threshold limits on the amount of any single item in Deposit and by one employee until another user with expanded permissions reviews and submits it.

Your Relationship Manager will be happy to help you configure access and permissions for your employees, to meet the specific needs of your business.


Explore our digital services with these helpful resources:


Log into business online and business online pro for advanced, flexible cash management capabilities.



Use business mobile banking to access a complete range of self-service banking capabilities.



Looking to learn more about the products and services we provide? Access our reference guides for more information.



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Our Business Insights library offers a wide range of knowledge and thought leadership resources to help you:

  • Protect against a wide range of payment fraud attacks and other scams
  • Manage your business for maximum efficiency
  • Add value to your banking processes and financial strategies